delete row if duplicate



Hi Folks
I have 8000 lines to sort though, I need to get rid of duplicates
Can someone tell me how to remove a complete row if the one above has two
cells that are identical?
thanks in advance


Vass said:
Hi Folks
I have 8000 lines to sort though, I need to get rid of duplicates
Can someone tell me how to remove a complete row if the one above has two
cells that are identical?
thanks in advance

ah ha, almost there

but commas or brackets are wrong....

Don Guillett

A macro that looks at col F and col H
sub deldups()
for i = cells(rows.count, "f").end(xlup).row to 1 step -1
if cells(i,"f")=cells(i,"h") then rows(i).delete
next i
end sub


Don Guillett said:
A macro that looks at col F and col H
sub deldups()
for i = cells(rows.count, "f").end(xlup).row to 1 step -1
if cells(i,"f")=cells(i,"h") then rows(i).delete
next i
end sub

cheers Don


Try doing an advanced data then checking the box "unique records only". You
can then select copy this to another sheet. This will get rid of dups.

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