I will try to sum all this up quickly so I do not ramble on. I am making a
price quoting worksheet. In Cell B6, I have a "Reference Number", that
represents a product, in a cell and 3 rows down I have another cell with the
word "Remove" in it. In Range("C6:C20") I have the products description.
The products description can range from 4 to 15 rows. The reference number
cell is always in Column B and next to the first line of the product
description and the remove cell is always 3 rows below the reference number.
Once the data is added to the worksheet, a thin line border is inserted
around the product description range. I want the user to be able to double
click the cell with "Remove" in it next to the product description range and
then a macro will delete the entire rows the range is located. I have the
double click event already. I just need the loop to delete the range between
the border. Any help pointing me in the right direction would greatly be
price quoting worksheet. In Cell B6, I have a "Reference Number", that
represents a product, in a cell and 3 rows down I have another cell with the
word "Remove" in it. In Range("C6:C20") I have the products description.
The products description can range from 4 to 15 rows. The reference number
cell is always in Column B and next to the first line of the product
description and the remove cell is always 3 rows below the reference number.
Once the data is added to the worksheet, a thin line border is inserted
around the product description range. I want the user to be able to double
click the cell with "Remove" in it next to the product description range and
then a macro will delete the entire rows the range is located. I have the
double click event already. I just need the loop to delete the range between
the border. Any help pointing me in the right direction would greatly be