Delete Status Reports from PWA 2007


dt @ dsc

I am working in Server 2007 and created some test status reports when
familiarizing myself with the new look and feel of PWA. I can't seem to find
out how to delete these reports. I checked the FAQ's and other postings to
no avail. Is there any information out there on how to completely delete
status reports in Server 2007?

Thanks in advance. dt

Dale Howard [MVP]

dt --

The person who created the Status Report is the only one who can delete it.
He/she must delete it by navigating to the Status Reports page in PWA. In
the Requests section, he/she should click the row header of the Status
Report request (do not click the name of the Status Report request) and then
click the Delete Request button. To delete Status Report reponses, the
Project Server administrator should navigate to the Server Settings page and
click the Delete Enterprise Objects link. On the Delete Enterprise Objects
page, he/she must select the Status Report Responses option, select the time
period and then click the Delete button. Hope this helps.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Cousin Ben --

Nice workaround to a nasty little problem! Thanks for sharing. :)

dt @ dsc

Thanks. I'll give your info to my Server Administrator and see if we can get
it done this way. Appreciate it. dt

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