Delete Styles



How do you turn off Styles. I know you have to start with a Normal style.
But everytime I add character or paragraph formatting a new style is created.
The list gets longer and longer. I don't want to automatically apply new
styles, unless I ask for them. I've removed the check mark "Define styles
based on your formatting" in the AutoFormat As You Type Dialog Box.

Are the Styles displayed in the Formatting Toolbar's drop-down list the same
as the Styles and Formatting Task Pane? I want to delete the Styles I'm not
using. How do I do this?


Pat Garard

G'Day Hague,

There is a button (Styles and Formatting) at the extreme left
of the Formatting toolbar. Click this to see the Style and
Formatting Pane. Right-click a style, and choose Delete.


Thanks Pat,
I've been deleting styles in my document 1 at a time. I was hoping I could
get Word to stop applying new styles everytime I made formatting changes.
It's especially frustrating when you copy from one document to another, you
bring everything with you. I've got a couple styles (Bullets) that I can't
delete (the delete command is dull in color). When I ask for Bullets in the
Toolbar, this very large bullet and font appears - not sure where it came
from, but it can't be deleted. I'd like some control over this. All I can
think of is to be able to turn Styles Off.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

These aren't really styles--just "formatting." If you don't want to be
reproached by them, clear the check box for "Keep track of formatting" on
the Edit tab of Tools | Options.

Holly on 97

So how do you get rid of all the Word styles that were used by the last one
in the document? I only use styles I created and don't need to see an endless
list of Headings. I deleted all of the ones that I could. I don't have the
tools>option>formatting check box--perhaps b/c I'm on 97.



That's it? I'll give it a try. The next person that replied stated the
formatting changes where not styles? Thanks again!

Pat Garard

G'Day Holly,

I don't need to see an endless list of Fonts.....
I don't need to see an endless list of ClipArt.....
I don't need to see an endless list of Styles.....
I don't need to see an endless list of AutoCorrects.....
I don't need to see an endless list of Templates.....
I don't need to see an endless list of Word Docs.....
I don't need to see an endless list of Symbols.....
I don't need to see an endless list of Diagrams.....
I don't need to see an endless list of Bullets.....
I don't need to see an endless list of Borders.....
I don't need to see an endless list of ListsLikeThis.....

So, unless I need 'em, I don't look!!


If the Styles change documents for you, you can't HELP but notice them!
Experienced users don't need the help and they become a huge hindrance.

Stefan Blom

Recent versions give you full control over which styles to show or hide, but
in Word 97 you will have to do this: Copy the file, not including the final
paragraph mark, into a new blank document. Only styles explicitly applied to
text will now be considered "in use" by Word. (The top three heading levels
are an exception to this rule, as they are always displayed.)

To have Word only show the styles that are in use, set the "Category" in
Format | Styles to "Styles in use."

Note: To copy the contents except for the final paragraph mark, you can
press Ctrl+A, and then Shift+Left arrow (selects), and finally Ctrl+C

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