Some invoices only have 2 lines when they are void but some have several
lines. How would I set up a formula to remove all of the lines except the
one that says receipt when the invoice if void?
2650741 $1,484,822.62 Inv $1,484,822.62
2650741 -$222,724.00 Receipt -$222,724.00
2650741F -$1,262,098.62 Finance -$1,262,098.62
2650741 -$1,484,822.62 Void -$1,484,822.62
2650741F -$1,262,098.62 Finance $1,262,098.62
2650741 $222,724.00 adj $222,724.00
lines. How would I set up a formula to remove all of the lines except the
one that says receipt when the invoice if void?
2650741 $1,484,822.62 Inv $1,484,822.62
2650741 -$222,724.00 Receipt -$222,724.00
2650741F -$1,262,098.62 Finance -$1,262,098.62
2650741 -$1,484,822.62 Void -$1,484,822.62
2650741F -$1,262,098.62 Finance $1,262,098.62
2650741 $222,724.00 adj $222,724.00