Keith said:
VanguardLH wrote ...
POP account type.
Auto-archive not used.
Look at Tools -> Options -> Other and check if the option "Empty the
Deleted Items folder upon exiting" is enabled. I forgot about this
option since I always use auto-archive to keep the items around for a
month and then purge them out of the database (.pst file). Some users
only want a recovery window to retrieve "deleted" (moved) items during
the current Outlook session and do the cleanup when they exit Outlook.
Others just let the junk pile up in the Deleted Items folder until they
decide to do the manual cleanup. Some use auto-archive to enlarge the
recovery window but still end up doing cleanup eventually. You said the
items are not *going* into the Deleted Items folder. Perhaps what is
really happening is they do go there but get wiped when the user exits
Outlook and then later expects those items to still be in that folder.
If this doesn't do it then I suggest the user is lying to you, has
selective memory in not recalling that they actually deleted all the
items in their Deleted Items folder or installed something that does the
cleanup, or really isn't doing the checking that you ask of them. I've
had lots of users tell me that "nothing changed" but then I discover
(usually because I inspect the host) that they installed several
programs, made a tech call and followed some advice to change settings
or the registry, and so on which they somehow happen to forget when
describing their problem.
First it was "I" (you) reporting the problem for yourself. Then it
became "the user" (someone else) that has the problem. Have the user
come here and describe their problem in their own words without having
to use an intermediary to relay the information. The user might be
doing something that they haven't told you because they forgot or
thought it wasn't relevant.