deleted resource with actuals



Hello, we have project server 2003. We have a master project that now gives
spooler errors because one of our deactivated resources was mysteriously
deleted from project server and is now a local resource on the plan. What's
weird is that they were deleted 4 months ago and we are just now seeing the

We are not sure how to correct this. I can’t delete the resource from the
plan because he has actuals. Any ideas?

Jonathan Sofer [MVP]

Sounds like you are getting spooler errors because your global settings do
not allow for local resources.

Disclaimer: I would test my suggestion below on another duplicate
environment first like QA, Dev or Sandbox.

I suggest re-creating the resource with the same name. I believe the next
time you open the schedule with the local resource and save it, the system
will prompt you to replace the local resource with the enterprise one.

This should then stop you from getting the local resource spooler error.

If you need to, after that, you can inactivate the resource but do not
delete it. Make sure there is no remaining work on the resource on any of
the schedules or you will get the warning "Inactive resource has remaining
work" each time you open up that schedule.


Lizzie Beth

Jenn and I work together and she's on another assignment so I tried your
suggestion in our 2003 DEV environment. Even though it shows as a local
resource, I cannot re-assign the task and work because the local resource
(which was deleted from the ERP) has actual work protected.

I removed all the actual work and set the remaining work to 0 for this local
resource. I get the work out of sync message. I did not synch the work at
this point. I did save the changes. I created the user account in DEV,
assigned it to the task. I tried to replace the old resource with the new
one and receive a message stating cannot delete or reassign a resource with
protected actuals. I ended up saving the plan and synching the work. Since
the local resource was originally in the ERP, it ended up putting the actuals
for that resource on the tasks.

It was a good idea to try so thanks for that information. I did find in
some reading that even though it shows the resource as deleted in the ERP the
information is still in the database which is why the actuals were protected.

Not sure where to go from here so if you or anyone else has sugestions, I'd
appreciate them. I also looked at adjust actuals from PWA yet this doesn't
work because the deleted resource doesn't show in PWA.

Thank you for your suggestions!
Lizzie Beth

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