Deleted Tasks Still showing in PWA


Ann Marie DeNeen


Problem: Project manager deleted tasks in Project Pro and republished to
project server. The resource is still receiving overdue alerts and the tasks
are still showing in PWA for this resource. The tasks show that they were
removed but also say incomplete. Can someone tell us what we are doing wrong?


Ann Marie

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]

Ann Marie:

What's happening is that PMs are deleting tasks from their project plan
without closing the assignments. You need to close-out the assignments by
setting the remaining work for each resource to zero. Then you need to
publish new and changed. At that point, you can safely delete the resources
from the task or delete the task. Note that if you delete tasks that have
actual work, you lose that work record. You can close out the work on a task
without deleting it if you care to preserve the entire project baseline.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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