Deleted tasks


Debbie Stein

Deleted tasks are still showing up in PWA with an X next to them. Is there a
way to change the set up to that deleted tasks do not appear?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Debbie --

Your team members need to click each deleted task and then click the Hide
button. Hope this helps.

Debbie Stein

Unfortunately, that is an unacceptable solution for us. Deleting tasks
happens way too frequently, and with 700+ potential users, this is a
nightmare. I know there are many posts on this issue, so it is clear that
another solution must be built. Has Microsoft taken this in to consideration
for a future SP?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Debbie --

Several members of this forum have posted a SQL Server script that will
handle what you wish. I will invite them to share their script with you.
Hope this helps.

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