When I try to post a response with DeleteProblem.mdb_file as attachment I
get this error. Outlook Express has been flakey in the last few weeks. Do
you know if it's worth continuing to try this way? Or might there be a
different way to get you the database? (Fortunately a barebones db
reproduces the problem. Open the only form. Choose datasheet view.
Outlook Express could not post your message. Subject 'Re: Deletes not
available', Account: 'news.eternal-september.org', Server:
'news.eternal-september.org', Protocol: NNTP, Server Response: '441 437
Binary: misplaced mdb_', Port: 119, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 441,
Error Number: 0x800CCCA9
David W. Fenton said:
see below
David W. Fenton said:
DoCmd.OpenForm rs![Argument], acFormDS, , ,
First I tried using another format that was available in the
pre-existing code....
DoCmd.OpenForm rs![Argument], acFormDS
But that left me with everything disabled except Copy and
something else.
So then I tried changing the acFormReadOnly to acFormEdit.
Strangely enough that left me with the same issue.... everything
enabled excep DELETE. Any ideas?
What are the properties of the form itself set to?
If you mean AllowDeletes , AllowAdds, etc., they are all set to
YES. I've checked it a jillion times.
Is DataEntry OFF?
You'll see from another response of mine that the DoCmd issue can
be ignored. It behaves this way in Datasheet View in the
development environment.
I'm stumped.
Can you create a sample database that demonstrates the problem? A
few records from your main table and the form itself should be all
that's needed to see the problem. I'd be happy to look at it to see
if I can figure it out.
Of course, that works OK, it might help you identify the source of
the problem.