deleting a specific page



How can I select and delete a specific page from a
document? I've created a form from which some pages will
not necessarily be required.




If it's a fixed form, simplest is to add bookmarks for the pages that might
be deleted. Then delete the bookmark ranges as needed. (Word's object model
has no 'page' object as such. There are techniques for identifying, and thus
deleting, a page; but bookmarks are easier if you know in advance what
ranges you need to work with.)

Peter Hewett

Hi Laurie

Here's an easy way to delete a "page":

Selection.GoTo wdGoToPage, wdGoToNext, "3"

The above example deletes page 3 ("3" being the page number). If you remove
the first line the code will delete the current page.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Peter Hewett

Hi Brian

Sorry I've only just seen this post.

But why not iterate through the document printing a page at a time. I'm sorry I don't
have Acrobat so I can't try out anything I suggest. You may need to start a new thread.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

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