Deleting a Template page from the downloads page but wish to delet



I've downloaded a template calendar 2007 from the Microsoft site into OneNote
2007 and it creates a page under a section. Problem is, I cannot "delete" the
calender from the templates section on the far right as I do not need it.
Even if I right click it, it won't delete the new template. How can I delete
the imported OneNote Calender?

I really wish that since I am using Vista that I could import the "Windows
Calender" into OneNote so I can every "everything in one software" package
instead of going back and forth, back and forth from the Vista Windows
Calendar to OneNote. The template OneNote Calendars are limited, plus I can't
find where I can obtain reminders or alerts for meetings and appointments and
tasks... Can anyone help me with the specifics on what to do to have an "all
in one" issue inside of OneNote?

thank you....


Ben M. Schorr, MVP

When you try to delete the template by right-clicking what happens when you
try? Is delete greyed out? Do you get an error message?

OneNote really isn't intended to be a "Swiss-Army Knife" that does
everything in one package. It's intended for note-taking, organizing,
sharing and research. There isn't any way to generate calendar reminders
within OneNote itself, what you would need to do is have OneNote make an
Outlook Appointment item or Task item and then let Outlook generate
reminders for you.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower


Dear Ben,
I've found a way to delete a template and for future use, it is a little
longer route, but delete's the template in it's entirety. In this particular,
I've downloaded a few differenct OneNote Calenders. Personally they are all
horrible so that is why I wanted to delete them. I had a few calenders in
different sections. What I did was open up the template and started deleting
each and every piece of content inside the template, i.e., every month
individually. When all the months were gone, the template automatically
deleted. This holds true for other OneNote templates that just seem to hang
on in there and people can't get rid of them. Bottom line, expand the
template on the far right pane, delete each individual content piece inside
the template, and wa-la, completely gone and wiped out forever. No more
template. A little loophole, but solves the problem for those "Monk" anal
retentive people who wish not to have residual crud inside of the
perfect-but-non-perfect notebooks...

Thanks so much!

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