Deleting all Range Names except Print_Area?



I am trying to delete all Named Ranges Except "Print_Area" is there a way to
accomplish this? the code below deletes "Print_Area"..

Sub DeleteNames()
Dim ThisName As Name
For Each ThisName In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If ThisName <> "Print_Area" Then ThisName.Delete
Next ThisName

End Sub

Dave Peterson

Option Explicit
Sub DeleteNames()
Dim ThisName As Name
For Each ThisName In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If LCase(ThisName.Name) Like LCase("*!Print_Area") Then
'do nothing
End If
Next ThisName

End Sub

But I'd be careful. There are other names that excel uses, too.

You may want to get a copy of Jan Karel Pieterse's (with
Charles Williams and Matthew Henson) Name Manager:

You can find it at:
NameManager.Zip from

You may see some names that you want to add.

* is a wild card
! because print_area is a worksheet level name. The name could be
lcase() just because text comparisons make me nervous.

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