Deleting blocks of mail



When arranging all mails by sender ("From") and deleting blocks of unwanted
mail, if a large block is deleted, Outlook automatically takes me to the top
of the list. I then have to remember the place where I was, and scroll down
the folder to continue deleting. This has to be done many times until
It would be preferable for Outlook to remain in the place where I left off
and not take me to the top of the list every time.
I have looked for a way of removing this automatic feature but have not
found any setting that can be changed by the user. Please help...wearing out
the Page Down button.

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John Blessing

omh0129 said:
When arranging all mails by sender ("From") and deleting blocks of
mail, if a large block is deleted, Outlook automatically takes me to the
of the list. I then have to remember the place where I was, and scroll
the folder to continue deleting. This has to be done many times until
It would be preferable for Outlook to remain in the place where I left off
and not take me to the top of the list every time.
I have looked for a way of removing this automatic feature but have not
found any setting that can be changed by the user. Please help...wearing
the Page Down button.

Not a solution as such - are you aware you can highlight multiple
non-contiguous blocks?

Click the start of the first block. Hold down shift and click end of the
first block. Hold down CTRL and click start of the 2nd block, hold down CTRL
AND shift and click end of second block, repeat ....

John Blessing - Help Desk software priced to suit all
businesses - Schedule rooms & equipment bookings
for your meeting/class over the web. - Remove Duplicates from MS Outlook, find/replace,
send newsletters



Thanks very much John. Although it's a bit cumbersome, one can also hold the
shift as well as cntl.
...using the mouse also helps somewhat (w/o taking the user to the top of the



I have a question. I accidently tried to send a huge video file. It was too
big to send and is stuck in my outbox.

everytime I wantto send a message now i have to shut downm outlook and turn
back on.

any idea on how I can delete it?

i have done all the obvious things

Joe Grover

You should be able to go into Tools -> Options -> Mail Setup and uncheck the
box to "send immediately when connected".

Relaunch Outlook Express and then go to the Outbox and remove the message.

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