Steve -
Run this macro:
Dim C As Comment
For Each C In ActiveDocument.Comments
In case you're not familiar with macros, to install one:
* Copy macro from the thread.
* On a blank doc press Alt-F8.
* In the 'Macro name' box where your cursor is, type in a name like
* In the 'Macros in' box make sure is selected so you can
access it from any document.
* Click Create. It takes you straight to the new macro code.
* Paste in the copied macro between Sub MyMacroName () and End Sub
* Where you get two red lines take out the break between them.
* Press Ctrl-S to save.
* Alt-q takes you back to the document. Whole thing takes less than a
* To run the macro: Alt-F8, scroll down to macro, click Run.
- Bruce