deleting corrupted Excel Chart Preferences


JE McGimpsey

How do I remove corrupted Excel Chart Preferences?

Which preferences are you referring to? What is your indication that
they are corrupt?

Most chart preferences are specific to individual charts, so deleting
and recreating the chart should work.

You could also try, with XL closed, renaming or deleting the

file (where ~ is your home directory).

Geoff Lilley

How do I remove corrupted Excel Chart Preferences?

Not sure what you mean by "Excel Chart Preferences," but the Excel
preferences are stored in the following file:

Macintosh HD:Users:[your user

If you're having problems, try quitting Excel, drag that file to the
Desktop, and re-launch. If that works, trash that file. If not, try

Macintosh HD:Users:[your user

JE McGimpsey

Geoff Lilley said:
How do I remove corrupted Excel Chart Preferences?

Not sure what you mean by "Excel Chart Preferences," but the Excel
preferences are stored in the following file:

Macintosh HD:Users:[your user

Actually, the only thing stored in that file is system file and
directory info. Deleting it will only wipe out the info on where windows
are opened, and what size, as well as some Open/Save file dialog info.
If you're having problems, try quitting Excel, drag that file to the
Desktop, and re-launch. If that works, trash that file. If not, try

Macintosh HD:Users:[your user

This is the file where XL stores its preferences. There aren't really
any chart preferences other than the default chart in that file that I
can see (though the chart tips preferences have to be kept somewhere)...

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