Deleting corrupted(?) users/resources from Project Server 2007



I recently deployed Project Server 2007 for my company and I and another
Project Manager have started working with it. I synchronized project server
with a user group that already existed in Active Directory as a quick way to
get all of the resource we wanted to use into Project Server. It worked
great, although there were some individuals that are no longer with the
company and some service accounts that were in that group that got added
along with all of the resources we wanted. I edited these accounts so that
they could not be assigned as resources and I deactivated the accounts as

I intended to delete these resources at some point, but before I could get
around to it, the other Program Manager learning to use the system checked
out the Enterprise Resource Pool by opening all of the resources in Project
Professional in order to enter all of their rates. He tried copying all of
the rates at once from an Excel file and copying that data into the rates
column in the resource pool sheet. Something about this attempt crashed
Project Professional, and when he tried to access the Enterprise Resource
Pool again, the system told him that all of the resources were checked out to

I went in as Admin and forced all of the checked-out resources to be checked
back in. But oddly enough, the resources that I had intended to delete at a
later date did not show up in the list, so I was unable to force them to be
checked back in. They appear in the Enterprise Resource Pool as checked-out,
and they appear in the Manage Users list as Inactive. When I click on a user
name for one of these accounts in the Manage Users list, the server responds
with an Unknown Error.

So these accounts are Inactive and Checked-Out. The server says they are all
checked out to themselves, but they don’t appear in the Force Check-In list
so I can’t force them to be checked back in, therefore I can’t delete them.
And I can’t access them to edit them or change them in any way. I tried
synchronizing again with active directory with the reactivate option selected
in the hope that the process would overwrite the accounts, but no joy.

How do I get rid of these users/resources? Thank you.


James Fraser

I recently deployed Project Server 2007 for my company and I and another
Project Manager have started working with it. I synchronized project server
with a user group that already existed in Active Directory as a quick way to
get all of the resource we wanted to use into Project Server. It worked
great, although there were some individuals that are no longer with the
company and some service accounts that were in that group that got added
along with all of the resources we wanted. I edited these accounts so that
they could not be assigned as resources and I deactivated the accounts as

I intended to delete these resources at some point, but before I could get
around to it, the other Program Manager learning to use the system checked
out the Enterprise Resource Pool by opening all of the resources in Project
Professional in order to enter all of their rates. He tried copying all of
the rates at once from an Excel file and copying that data into the rates
column in the resource pool sheet. Something about this attempt crashed
Project Professional, and when he tried to access the Enterprise Resource
Pool again, the system told him that all of the resources were checked out to

I went in as Admin and forced all of the checked-out resources to be checked
back in. But oddly enough, the resources that I had intended to delete at a
later date did not show up in the list, so I was unable to force them to be
checked back in. They appear in the Enterprise Resource Pool as checked-out,
and they appear in the Manage Users list as Inactive. When I click on a user
name for one of these accounts in the Manage Users list, the server responds
with an Unknown Error.

So these accounts are Inactive and Checked-Out. The server says they are all
checked out to themselves, but they don't appear in the Force Check-In list
so I can't force them to be checked back in, therefore I can't delete them.
And I can't access them to edit them or change them in any way. I tried
synchronizing again with active directory with the reactivate option selected
in the hope that the process would overwrite the accounts, but no joy.

How do I get rid of these users/resources? Thank you.


Does this solution help:

James Fraser



Thanks for the response. I'm an electronics engineer by trade, trying to act
as an IT guy in this case. Can you tell me where/how I would run the scripts
described at the link you provided? Do I access the SQL database directly



James Fraser


Thanks for the response. I'm an electronics engineer by trade, trying to act
as an IT guy in this case. Can you tell me where/how I would run the scripts
described at the link you provided? Do I access the SQL database directly

Yes, these scripts require direct access to the databases. Do you have
a DBA that can help you out? They would be very familiar with how to
use these scripts.

If not, proceed carefully. If you are running SQL 2005, you need to
start SQL Server Management Studio, which will be available on the DB
server. Connect to the Database Engine and then click on the "New
Query" button. Change the database from master to your
projectserver_published database. You can then enter the scripts in
the main window and click on the Execute button. This is really a
DBA's turf, though.

hope this helps...
James Fraser

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