Peggy said:
I tried to delete it the way John mentioned below and it gave me messages
indicating that it was deleting it, but it did not.
I did not create a link between the two schedules. It was inserted for
information purposes only. Is the link done automatically?
Any other suggestions? Thanks
I probably misled you when I described the unlinking method. I left out
a step (yeah, I erred but not intentionally). Keep in mind that there
are two types of master (i.e. consolidated) files. One is dynamically
linked and the other is static. Just breaking the link as I suggested
does not remove the file from the master. By just breaking the link the
inserted project is still part of the master except it is now actually
part of the master and not just a pointer to the subproject. Take a look
at the Task ID sequence. Before the link was broken, you will note that
the Task ID sequence of the subproject starts over at 1. That is because
the master only contains a pointer to the actual subproject (i.e. the
subproject is not physically part of the master). After the link is
broken, the Task ID sequence of what used to be the subproject is now
contiguous with the master itself (i.e. a snapshot of the subproject has
physically been inserted into the master). Therefore to fully delete the
inserted project tasks, select them all in the master and hit delete.
My apologies for causing confusion. After all is said and done, Jack's
suggestion is clearly easier and more efficient. I was just trying to
ascertain if Jack's method was thorough. After his reply to my query, I
believe Jack's method is both thorough the best approach.