Deleting Part Of A Graphic



Is the a wauy of deleting part of an graphic to change
its appearance in Word?

I feel so assamed asking such a stupid q, but its for a

Tonya Marshall

Dumass said:
Is the a wauy of deleting part of an graphic to change
its appearance in Word?

I feel so assamed asking such a stupid q, but its for a

You can crop a picture to remove parts on the sides, bottom and top. I'm
not sure what you want to remove.

OR you can ungroup a picture and removed parts of it. Regrouping the
picture after sometimes results in a poorer quality of picture


-----Original Message-----
Dumass said:
Is the a wauy of deleting part of an graphic to change
its appearance in Word?

I feel so assamed asking such a stupid q, but its for a

You can crop a picture to remove parts on the sides, bottom and top. I'm
not sure what you want to remove.

OR you can ungroup a picture and removed parts of it. Regrouping the
picture after sometimes results in a poorer quality of picture

To send email remove spot from my email address
Tonya Marshall

The thing is I am not sure wt it is I am after
all I am told is that I have to write down how to -
delete part of a grahic to change its appearance.
It really quite sucks attully - and I can't find it in
any manuals at the school. It is a stupid q, that really
doesn't make much sence - if it is only cropping that I
am after that makes it so much easier.
thanx any way and if any1 has any other ideas plz help

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