deleting phrases in Excel and/or Word



My question is for beginners but I am working with spreadsheets and documents
which contains a lot of the same words I want to delete. Can anyone please
tell me how I can do this? THANK YOU BEFOREHAND FOR YOUR HELP!


Here's one quick play using SUBSTITUTE for progressive deletion ..

Assume text data is running in A1 down

Enter the exact words/phrases (case sensitive) you want deleted in say K1
down. Eg assuming you have 3 words to delete:
in K1: the, in K2: Oops, in K3: milk

Then place in B1:
Copy B1 across by 3* cols to D1, fill down as far as required
*copy across by the no. of words/phrases to be deleted in col K

The "final" col D will return the results that you're after.

Col B deletes the 1st word input in K1, col C deletes the 2nd, and col D
deletes the 3rd, and so on.

Gord Dibben

This is probably too easy, but in the absence of much detail, try this method.


what: word to delete

with: nothing

Replace all

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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