Tom Petersen
I am trying to get a list of print jobs from event viewer scaled down to
just show what I want. I currently export this info into a spreadsheet
A 3/14/2007
B 8:09:21 AM
C SDSD\aldarajij
D Document 128, Microsoft Office Outlook - Memo Style owned by aldarajij was
printed on Lobby via port IP_10.1.1.104. Size in bytes: 553732; pages
printed: 1
Cell D has a lot of info I don't need, is there a function that I can just
extract the printer name (Lobby) and pages printed? I have about 8
printers, so I am guessing I would need some type of if statement, if =
lobby, if = color, if = toshiba etc. So when I am done it looks like:
3/14/2007 8:09:21 AM SDSD\aldarajij Lobby; pages printed: 1
just show what I want. I currently export this info into a spreadsheet
A 3/14/2007
B 8:09:21 AM
C SDSD\aldarajij
D Document 128, Microsoft Office Outlook - Memo Style owned by aldarajij was
printed on Lobby via port IP_10.1.1.104. Size in bytes: 553732; pages
printed: 1
Cell D has a lot of info I don't need, is there a function that I can just
extract the printer name (Lobby) and pages printed? I have about 8
printers, so I am guessing I would need some type of if statement, if =
lobby, if = color, if = toshiba etc. So when I am done it looks like:
3/14/2007 8:09:21 AM SDSD\aldarajij Lobby; pages printed: 1