Deleting text based on a search


Hank Youngerman

I would like to define a keystroke or combination that would search for
a string and delete all the text from the present cursor position to
that position. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Cindy M.

Hi Hank,
I would like to define a keystroke or combination that would search for
a string and delete all the text from the present cursor position to
that position. Any suggestions?
Create two range variables. Set one to the current position
Set rngStart = Selection.Range

Set the other to the duplicate of the first, then use it for the Find
Set rngFind = rngStart.Duplicate
With rngFind.Find
'Find settings come here
'Use the macro recorder to determine them
End With

After a successful Find.Execute the rngFind will contain the target text.
The original range should be extended to the starting point of rngFind,
then you can delete it:
rngStart.End = rngFind.Start

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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