I have been asked if there is a way to remove automatically the {TA...} codes from the document. In other words, they want to leave in the cites, but remove the codes.
Try the following code it will delete ALL TA/TOA fields from a document.
Sub RemoveAllTOAFields()
Dim rngStory As Word.Range
Dim fldTemp As Word.Field
Dim lngIndex As Long
' Iterate through all story types
For Each rngStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
Do Until rngStory Is Nothing
' This must be done backwards as we are using the fields
' index and deleteing fields from the same collection at
' the same time
For lngIndex = rngStory.Fields.Count To 1 Step -1
Set fldTemp = rngStory.Fields(lngIndex)
If fldTemp.Type = wdFieldTOA Or _
fldTemp.Type = wdFieldTOAEntry Then
End If
' There may be linked stories so make sure we get them as well
Set rngStory = rngStory.NextStoryRange
End Sub
HTH + Cheers - Peter
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