How do I delete a team member from Project Server?
Acording to the help pages all I have to do us to go to
Admin > Manage Users & Groups and there select a user and
then pus the delete butom. Problem is that there are no
delete button, the only button that looks like a delete
buttton is the "Deactivate user" that has an X on it.´But
I want to be rid of a user fro good not just deactivate
How do I delete a team member from Project Server?
Acording to the help pages all I have to do us to go to
Admin > Manage Users & Groups and there select a user and
then pus the delete butom. Problem is that there are no
delete button, the only button that looks like a delete
buttton is the "Deactivate user" that has an X on it.´But
I want to be rid of a user fro good not just deactivate