deleting web page and publishing new web



Hi,can you tell me how to delete my current web page and
publish a new web page. When I go to publish the new page
ontop of the old page I get a conflict notice telling me
that navigation structure has changed asking what do I
want to do. CAn I just click publish and then in the two
windows that come up delete the pages and folders one by
one until nothing is left on the internet web, and then
publish the new web site. I am using fp2002 and windows
melenium. my isp provides frontpage extensions and asp.
If I just publish the new web page on top of the old one
will i still have folders from the old web mixed in with
the new web. Thanks

Stefan B Rusynko

If you Publsih All and select overwrite / replace for all existing pages, replace navigation, and delete for any pages, your new web
should be OK, but there may be old files / folders still on your server

For a clean new web, open your online web in FP, delete all files and folders Except the images and _private folders (delete only
the content in them), then run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks and close the online web in FP and open you local web to Publish All
to your online web

| Hi,can you tell me how to delete my current web page and
| publish a new web page. When I go to publish the new page
| ontop of the old page I get a conflict notice telling me
| that navigation structure has changed asking what do I
| want to do. CAn I just click publish and then in the two
| windows that come up delete the pages and folders one by
| one until nothing is left on the internet web, and then
| publish the new web site. I am using fp2002 and windows
| melenium. my isp provides frontpage extensions and asp.
| If I just publish the new web page on top of the old one
| will i still have folders from the old web mixed in with
| the new web. Thanks

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