I had to reinstall and repair Outlook following these steps:
Outlook Version: Outlook 2003 ( SP2
Step 1: Select Help from Outlook menu
Step 2: From Help menu select "Detect and Repair"
Step 3: On the "Detect and Repair" message box check both "Restore my
shortcuts while repairing" and "Discard my customized settings and restore
default settings"
Step 4: Click on Start button.
The following will simply reinstall Outlook anew. The problem is that while
it did restore my Outlook it deleted my Outlook Data file found in the
cached folder "C:\Documents and Settings\myComputerName\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook".
Now I am trying to recover the Outlook.pst file. Is there any ways you can
recover a deleted file from the System32 folder in WinXP? Any tricks you
guys know to undelete something that never got disposed in the Recycler Bin?
I had to reinstall and repair Outlook following these steps:
Outlook Version: Outlook 2003 ( SP2
Step 1: Select Help from Outlook menu
Step 2: From Help menu select "Detect and Repair"
Step 3: On the "Detect and Repair" message box check both "Restore my
shortcuts while repairing" and "Discard my customized settings and restore
default settings"
Step 4: Click on Start button.
The following will simply reinstall Outlook anew. The problem is that while
it did restore my Outlook it deleted my Outlook Data file found in the
cached folder "C:\Documents and Settings\myComputerName\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook".
Now I am trying to recover the Outlook.pst file. Is there any ways you can
recover a deleted file from the System32 folder in WinXP? Any tricks you
guys know to undelete something that never got disposed in the Recycler Bin?