Deletion of date info in Word comments


Rob P

(I tried to post this question but it did not seem to work). I like to use
word to mimic HTML web documents with Word screen tips mimicking HTML title
attribute comments, but I can not get rid of the date from the comment. I can
get rid of the author in the comment by changing the author in the document
to " ". I might also like to be able to control the word data that appears in
the screen tips for links in word.

Shauna Kelly

You can delete the date on comments by using Tools > Options > Security.
Tick the box that says "Remove personal information from file properties on

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Rob P

Shauna Kelly said:
You can delete the date on comments by using Tools > Options > Security.
Tick the box that says "Remove personal information from file properties on

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Thanks for that. However it still seems that if I tick the 'remove personal info' then I still get "Author commented" but no date. And if I insert a space for the author name I and untick 'remove personal info' I get a date but no mention of an author. It seems as if I can't have both. Is there no way of controlling this info?

Shauna Kelly

Hi Rob

You're right: removing the date attributes all comments to "Author". I guess
that's why the makers of Word allowed for both comments and hyperlink screen

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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