Deligate problems : help

  • Thread starter wullie anderson
  • Start date

wullie anderson

Hiya people,
I have set up a mate in work as a deligate to my inbox/calander ect.
Now when i have invited someone to a meeting ect and then this person
accepts this. and the mail comes back to me saying yes that fine bla bla bla.
I also need this e mail to come into my mates mail box so that she knows
what to do ect.........adn can arrange my meetings adn all that.
but this dosent happen. I have got all the deligates set up on mine and her
settings, also checked the permissions fort eh inboxes these seem fine.
i have also set up a rule on my system to do this and still she gets no e
mail saying they have accepted.
i have tried outlook\cleanfreebusy switch but this hasnt fixed it either.


wullie anderson

just incase anyone is interested....i have a fix for this.
in the delegates tab in options, highlight the name you are wanting to make
changes for.... then select permissions for that name.
then you need to check the box in there that says to send things to this
person as well as the user. jobs a good yin!!

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