Hi. Just some thoughts...
CMC = [(DL* / lSL)^2 + (DC*ab / cSC)^2 + (DH*ab / SH)^2]^0.5
According to your link, the above equation is a little off.
You are missing the variable "l" and "c", but you merged them into
the variable name. I believe it should be...
CMC = [(DL* / (l*SL) )^2 + (DC / (c*SC) )^2 + (DH / SH)^2]^0.5
Note that there is no "ab" variable.
the tangent to the -1 of (b/a)
This is a math notation for the Arc Tangent, or inverse.
In Excel, it is the function ATAN()
Your link recommends using the function ATAN2() instead.
What are the values of l & c in your equations?
= = =
Dana DeLouis
Michelle7890 wrote:
Hi Shane,
The variables are based on the reference sample so I was hoping to
determine the formula for the entire sheet based on the reference.
The spread sheet so far has the reference and then the samples
tested L, a and b. Here are the fist few lines.
L a b
Master LT 28.63 2.04 4.08 28.99
Check L a b Delta E
1 1st 26.09 2.6 5.83 26.86
2nd 25.94 2.52 5.61 26.66
3rd 26.16 2.38 5.33 26.80
I was thinking it might be best to write a formula first for the h
based on the master data to determine which formula to use below.
The formula for h is the tangent to the -1 of (b/a) (this b and a
are of the master reading). I have no idea how to write this
formula in excel. Then from this I was hoping to be able to
determine what T formula to use. S sub L is also based on the L
value of the master sample. This website breaks down the formula
really well but I just do not know how to do these functions in
excel (for example tan and cos and to the -1 power)
Thank you so much,
are DL, ISL, DC, ab, cSC, DH, SH and so on variables? Or is ab a*b
for example? The reason I ask is you have "unless h is between 164
and 345 degrees" but the only h you have is part of DH, SH, or hab.
How are all the variables laid out in the spreadsheet. Show us
1 SL
2 L
3 hab
4 ab
5 cSC
If this helps, please click the Yes button.
Shane Devenshire
Does anyone out there have the Delta E cmc formula for excel? I
am trying to set up a spreadsheet that compares colors of test
samples to a reference sample in a spreadsheet. But my excel
skills are not this good. Thanks,
CMC = [(DL* / lSL)^2 + (DC*ab / cSC)^2 + (DH*ab / SH)^2]^0.5
SL = 0.040975L* / (1+0.01765L*) unless L < 16 when SL = 0.511
SC = 0.0638C*ab / (1+0.0131C*ab) + 0.638
SH = (fT + 1 - f)SC
f = [(C*ab)^4 / {(C*ab)^4 + 1900)}]^0.5
T = 0.36 + |0.4 cos(hab + 35)|
unless h is between 164 and 345 degrees when
T = 0.56 + |0.2 cos(hab + 168)|