Dependant or Refenced Cells Calculations




I have sheet of 550 rows and I should find a way to calculate between the
cells referenced eachother. When I write formulas to each rows sheet warn me
for circular reference and reates a big problem for me. The details:

Columns "H"(rate of Currency) "I"(Currency
Amount) "L"(Amount from Local Currency)

Formula No formula-rate only =($L)/($H)

So Column "I" and "L" dependant to eachother and swap the formula due to the
parameters entered. After putting the current currency rate to Column "H" as
a constant, Column "I" should apply the formula if I enter the Local Amount
to Column "L" or Column "L" automatically calculate the Total (as in the
formula) if I enter an amount to Column "I".

I used an event macro (Worksheet_SelectionChange) but dissapointed when I
wrote formulas for 550 rows and give me the warning of "Too Large Procedure"
.. I should use 4 steps for each row and became too much when I wrote for 550
displayed the first 4 lines below:

If Target.Address = "$I$13" Then Cells.Range("$L$13").Formula =
If Target.Address = "$L$13" Then Cells.Range("$I$13").Formula =
If Target.Address = "$M$13" Then Cells.Range("$P$13").Formula =
If Target.Address = "$P$13" Then Cells.Range("$M$13").Formula =

By the way my rows are between 13 and 563!

Then I found another from groups written for another kind of circular
reference solution but could not succeed to improve for my required formulas
which is pasted below:

=IF(A1, C1+A1, IF(B1, C1-B1, C1))

Event Macro:
Modify the event macro below to read:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim cumCell As Range

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A:B")) Is Nothing Then
Set cumCell = Range("C" & Target.Row)
Application.EnableEvents = False
With Target
If Left(.Address,2) = "$A" Then
cumCell = cumCell + .Value
.Offset(0, 1).ClearContents
ElseIf Left(.Address,2) = "$B" Then
cumCell = cumCell - .Value
.Offset(0, -1).ClearContents
MsgBox "Select either Column A or B, not both!"
End If
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub

Thanks indeed for your help to recover my sheet via VBA to use these


Roger Govier


I think you need 5 columns for this to work, not 3.
Change column letters to suit your needs. I used the following
H Rate
I Local
J Foreign
K Calc. Local
L Calc. Foreign

H, and I or J are used for Input. K and L are calculated fields with the
following formulae



Hi Roger,

I think I could not explain the situation well in my previous mail and
decide to write one more with explanotions:

The active 8 columns of my table are:

Column H: I enter the exchange rates
Column I: for foreign currency of my debts
Column L: for domestic currency of my debts
Column M: foreign currency for my payments
Column P: domestic currency for my payments
Column R: balance for foreign currency
Column S: balance for domestic currency

I sometimes use the exchange rate if I would like to know how much
encountered to foreign or domestic currency upon the variety of debts &
payments done but I usually entered them manually so as to use an event
macro than formulas on table. My table really works with the event macro
down but the problem is with the length of my table consist of 550 rows does
not let my event macro run cause of exceeding 64 K.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

Application.EnableEvents = False

If Target.Address = "$I$13" Then Cells.Range("$L$13").Formula =

If Target.Address = "$L$13" Then Cells.Range("$I$13").Formula =

If Target.Address = "$M$13" Then Cells.Range("$P$13").Formula =

If Target.Address = "$P$13" Then Cells.Range("$M$13").Formula =

Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub

I searched for different event macro examples having same kind of
calculations dependant to columns but could not adobt them to mine. Event
macro should make calculations not adressing definite cells but targeted
columns since I enter exchange rate when really needed and applicable for
all rows of my table.

Kindest thanks for your support


Roger Govier

Hi Reha

There is no need to use absolute addressing.
Try inserting the following code into your worksheet, and it will work
for all rows in the sheet

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim mcol As Long

Application.EnableEvents = False
mcol = Target.Column
If mcol <9 Or mcol>16 Then Exit Sub

Select Case mcol
Case 9 ' column I Col L = H*I
Target.Offset(0, 3) = Target.Offset(0, -1).Value * Target.Value

Case 12 ' column L Col I = L/H
Target.Offset(0, -3) = Target.Value / Target.Offset(0, -4).Value

Case 13 ' column M Col P = H*M
Target.Offset(0, 3) = Target.Offset(0, -5).Value * Target.Value

Case 16 ' column P Col M = P/H
Target.Offset(0, -3) = Target.Value / Target.Offset(0, -8)

Case Else
End Select

Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub

I have put a rem statements after each Case, so you can see which column
triggers the event and which column gets the result and what makes up
the calculation.
If I have made a mistake in any of the formulae, or their target
address, you should be able to work out how much to alter the + or -
column offset to give the result you want.

We could limit the event being triggered to a range of rows 2 to 550 if
that is required by entering the following line of code before the
Application.EnableEvents = False line

If Target.Row < 2 Or Target.Row > 550 Then Exit Sub

Roger Govier

Hi Reha

Many apologies. I added the line to test for columns outside the range 9
to 16 as an afterthought, and this is clearly in the wrong place. It
needs to come before Application.EnableEvents = False, otherwise you
could exit the sub without switching this back on again.
The correct order should be

mcol = Target.Column
If mcol <9 Or mcol>16 Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
Select Case mcol


Dear Roger,

Great thanks for your support and further help it really works :).
I have 1 more problem to achieve is to make this event macro with my
combined cells. Sorry not warning you on time for my combined cells that
Cells I-J-K with adress on bar I and M-N-O with adress M combined to
eachother. Is it possible to make this macro works with these combinations.

Best Regards


Roger Govier

Hi Reha

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by
my combined cells that Cells I-J-K with address on bar I and M-N-O with
address M combined to each other.

Could you explain more fully what it is that you want?


Hi Roger,

Sorry for my terrible English that I could not use right expressions
sometimes. First I tested your macro on an empty workbook and it worked
great but when I applied it to my worksheet which has some concatenated
cells applied by your macro did not work. Then I altered the target adresses
to the adresses of concatenated cells with "+" & "-" as you suggested in
your mail but not succeeded even.
I was mistaken to write you "Adress on Bar" and correction should be "Name
Box" under file menu so I-J-K columns adres seemed as I and M-N-O as M. So
columns H-I & L are contiguous to eachother and I altered "case 9" to "case
8" (by the way I have also 1 more contiguous cells B & C to alter case from
9 to 8) then "Target.Offset(0, 3)=" to "Target.Offset(0, 1)=" but I could
not see the sum of "H * I" in cell "L". That' s why I wonder if it works
with contiguous cells or I wrote wrong target adresses.

Big thanks


Roger Govier

Hi Reha
Sorry for my terrible English
Please do not apologise. Your English is excellent.

I think you mean that you have Merged columns IJK and columns MNO
If that is the case, then this modified code should work

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim mcol As Long
If Target.Row < 2 Or Target.Row > 30 Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
mcol = Target.Column
Select Case mcol
Case 9 ' column I Col L = H*I
Target.Offset(0, 1) = Target.Offset(0, -1).Value * Target.Value
Case 12 ' column L Col I = L/H
Target.Offset(0, -3) = Target.Value / Target.Offset(0, -4).Value
Case 13 ' column M Col P = H*M
Target.Offset(0, 1) = Target.Offset(0, -5).Value * Target.Value
Case 16 ' column P Col M = P/H
Target.Offset(0, -3) = Target.Value / Target.Offset(0, -8)
Case Else
End Select

Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub


Hi Roger again,

You are totally right that the accurate word should be merged cells. I
copied the macro and working excellent.

One more big thanks for all your support.



Roger Govier

Hi Reha

You're very welcome and thanks for the feedback letting me know that it
all worked out for you.

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