Dependency not working in MS Project 2003


Kesari Suresh

Hi ,
I was trying to check dependency on tasks that are linked to each other.
1. Initiall i created two tasks. First task was scheduled from 01/08/2006 to
03/08/2006, second task was scheduled from 04/08/2006 to 06/08/2006. Both the
tasks to assigned to same resource.
2. I defined a constraint on second task giving first task as its
predecessor and applies Finish to Start. Then i clicked on task advanced
properties and have chosen start no earlier than 03/08/2006 for second task.
3.THen i logged in with the resource id and completed task 2 and sent an
update to project manager.
4. Project manager accepted the task and clicked update to project, which
opened ms professional and updated the task status to complete.
5.I dont know why the constratint is not being applied here. Please help me
6. Another scenario is that i tried to complete the task at an earlier date
and sent
for pm approval, which the pm accepted.
7. When the task status is getting updated in ms professional i got a
warning saying that the task date should be readjusted for which the pm said
no and cancelled the operation.
8. after cancelling the task updates in ms professional how can the user get
back his task. The pm is not able to change the task status to reject now/
How can a accepted task be given back to the user again when task changed
have not been made at ms professional?
Please help me in this ragard.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


For your first scenario, understand that constraints are honored by the
scheduling engine and do not prevent tasks from happening in the real world.
If a resource performs the work, reports it and the PM accepts it, the
system assumes that both the resource and PM know what they're doing. In
other words, Project does not have a mind, it has only a scheduling
algorithm. It can't start an argument with you, although many people imagine
that the software is fighting with them, but we know this is simply

For your second question, how to get the task restored to an incomplete
state or otherwise rolled back, the PM needs to make the change in the
Project Plan, then use the Collaborate > Publish > Republish feature
selecting to overwrite actual work in the timesheet.

For future reference, this group is targeted at developers, your post is
better suited for microsoft.public.project.server - Thanks.

Kesari Suresh

Hi Gary,
Thank you for patiently reading my requirement and replying for my query.

Kesari Suresh.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


I meant to answer the second part of your question as well. Sorry about
that. To restore the task, the PM should use Collaborate > Publish >
Republish selecting the checkbox to overwrite actual work in the timesheet.

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