Dependency on recurring tasks



If I use priorities to establish the order in which tasks occur, I have a
problem establishing a dependency from a recurring task. How do I set the
dependency to be on the recurring category of tasks, not on the individual
task? Perhaps an example will clarify the question: I have Tasks A, and B
with priorities 600 and 400 and I require approval for each task at a monthly
meeting. If Task A runs longer than expected Task B may require approval from
a meeting a month later than originally scheduled (say February rather than
January). In an ideal world Task B would now be dependent on the February
meeting rather than on the January meeting.

Steve House [MVP]

Didn't you already ask this once and have it answered? The answer hasn't
changed in the 24 hours since then - it is still not possible to set the
link to the recurring task group and automatically have the link flow to the
occurance that is closest to, but later than, the end of task A and
self-adjust to a different occurance if the duration of A changes. Project
simply doesn't work that way. To switch from having January's meeting
controlling task B to February's, you'll need to manually edit the link - it
can't be done automatically.

Gordon Blair

If the meeting happens at a set time each month (say, the last week of the
month) you could set up a recurring task (called 'approval' perhaps) and
assign this task a calendar with only the last week of each month as working
time, so if you miss the window for the first meeting, you then have to wait
for the next. (if you can get the dates for these meetings well in advance,
you can narrow your calendar down to be a little more precise). This isn't
an entirely elegant solution, but can be made to work as a grubby
workaround... my favourite ;-).



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