Deploy a database


John Wyman

I have created an Access 2007 Membership database for a non-profit group (a
theatre company). I know how to render it to Access Runtime. I don't know
how to make the data tables easily distibuted from time-to-time to the
various users so that their copy is up-to-date. I know one way would be for
me to email new versions of tables to the users as needed. This method has
the disadvantage of expecting users to know how to import tables... not
something I can take for granted.
Anybody know a better way?

Stefan B Rusynko

Doesn't sound like you are using any web based application of an Access DB here
- so you should ask in an Access DB newsgroup
(this is a FrontPage Newsgroup)

You could make a new DB with the tables that change regularly as a backend DB (using linked tables in your main DB)
- then just distribute the backend DB


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

I have created an Access 2007 Membership database for a non-profit group (a
theatre company). I know how to render it to Access Runtime. I don't know
how to make the data tables easily distibuted from time-to-time to the
various users so that their copy is up-to-date. I know one way would be for
me to email new versions of tables to the users as needed. This method has
the disadvantage of expecting users to know how to import tables... not
something I can take for granted.
Anybody know a better way?

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