Deploying different versions of Office 2007



I'm looking at having to deploy office 2007 in three difference scenarios.

They are:

MIcrosoft Office 2007 Professional Plus

Microsoft Office 2007 Standard

Microsoft Outlook 2007.

Rather than duplicating three sources that are the same, what I was thinking
about doing was creating a single install source, for instance taking the
install source of Professional Plus, and copying in the Standard.WW and the
Outlook.WW folders into the same directory. When I run the OCT, it comes up
and identifies each of the products and allows me to create custom admin
files for each one. Then what I was planning on doing was customizing my
setup.config files in each one of the WW directories with what I need, and
then calling the setup using the setup.exe /config and then pointing to one
of the three conifgs depending on what package I need to install for the
peticular machine.

So far it seems to work, but I'm just doing it within VM's and have not put
it on a larger test frame yet.

I'm doing this because I want to basically keep the maintenance of the
office suite simple. With the setup I am planning, I can put all my latest
updates into the updates folders along with my admin files, and then new
installs will be up to date, while older installs will recieve updates via

Have any of you run into situations like this, or how have you gone about
deploying different versions of 2007?

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