Deployment of shared AddIn to a system without Visual Studio.


Steven Boelens


I have developed a shared AddIn for MS-Project 2003. I developed the
AddIn with the wizard that is available in Visual Studio 2005. When I
build and install the generated setup project the addin loads into MS
Project just fine. To simplify debugging the problem the AddIn just
shows a messagebox on connection and on startup and uses no other dll's

The problem occurs when I install the generated .msi file on another
system that doesn't contain Visual Studio. The installation of the .msi
file finishes without problems but the addin just doesn't load.

When looking for the source of the problem I noticed that when the
wizard in VS generates the project files it also adds a reference to the
Extensibility DLL which is located in "C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\MSEnv\PublicAssemblies". This file is not
available on the machine that has no VS installation.

If I deploy the .msi file to another system that does have an
installation of VS2005 the AddIn works just fine (BTW: This is another
system than the system the AddIn was developed on).

How can I deploy the MS-Project AddIn to systems that do not have Visual
Studio installed?

Hope someone can help.
Steven Boelens.

Steven Boelens

I already found the answer. For anyone else having the same problem. The
problem is fixed with an update of Visual Studio 2005 and setting a
prerequisite for "Shared Add-in support update for Microsoft .Net
framework 2.0 (KB908002)".

See the Microsoft Knowledge Base Articla 908002 at:

Steven Boelens.

Keywords to help find this post:
Deployment deploying install installing AddIn Add-in Add In without
Visual Studio VS VS2005 publicassemblies .NET extensibility.dll
MS-Project Project

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