Deployment problem with OWC9



In my development computer I have Visual Studio 2003, Microsoft Office
2000, Windows XP.

My application is a Windows Application, using C#.

When I added the OWC components to the project, automatically adds
references to MSDATASRC.

In the application I have a PivotTable and a Chart that is binded to
the pivottable.

Everything works fine in the development machine, but when I try the
program in the client computer it says that the msdatasrc is missing.

If i include manually the file msdatasrc.dll in the application folder,
the application magically works.

My question is if I can distribute this dll freely with my application,
or how can I provide this to the client.

Finally another question, if I want that my application runs with all
of the Office Web Components 9,10,11. What things I need to consider,
or how can I do this? If it's possible to do this. Taking in account
the enviroment of the application. ActiveX inside Windows Applications,

Thanks for any answers.



I think that MSDataSrc.dll is actually part of the .NET FrameWork and
therefore, rather than distributing *that*, you should really ensure
that the target machines have the appropriate .NET FrameWork installed.

When it comes to supporting OWC 9,10 & 11 from my own experiences you
need to tread pretty carefully - some things to consider may be:

1. Do you *really* want/need to support all the versions? OWC 9 in
particular is very old now and Microsoft appears to have had a re-think
in several important areas of functionality when it came to OWC 10+.
I've found that OWC 10 & 11 and far more similar to each other than OWC
9 & 10 - you'll probably have much less to worry about if you ignore
OWC 9..

2. If you want to support multiple versions and you're using
interactive charts (ie. at the client), you'll probably want to know
exactly what version of the control you've got to play with - not
something I've done personally but this thread has some code at the end
of it which may help..

3. It sounds like you're not neccessarily aware of your target machines
configuration (ie. do they even have the OWCs installed or a full
version of Office etc?) - if you've not already done so, it's probably
a good idea to check out the their licensing model. The OWCs can only
be used *interactively* if you're licensed appropriately - a reasonable
document is;en-us;555094&spid=2488&sid=225

Hope that helps a bit..



Thanks a lot for answering.

Well, the library MSDataSrc.dll isn't part of the framework.
Cuz I've installed the framework and the msdatasrc.dll wasn't there
after the installation.
(Maybe there are different versions of the Framework to install?)

I think that it's installed along with the Visual Studio.
Other ways to install this is with the Office 2003 installer, or the
Office XP PIA's package.

Well, for now I'm just using office 2000 and OWC9.
And I need to be sure about how the msdatasrc.dll is distributed and
used with OWC9.



You're right - MSDataSrc.dll appears to be in one of the VS
distributions - Have a look at
where you can find out exactly which products a specific Microsoft DLL
is distributed with.

May be worth looking at
which seems (in the 'deployment' section) to indicate that msdatasrc
*can't* be distributed as part of the Office 2003 PIAs but can be in
Office XP...


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