Desctop Shortcut question




I use for the moment following code to place a shortcut on the desctop
and this works fine:

Sub DesctopShortcut()
Dim WShell As Object
Dim MyShortcut As Object
Dim DesktopPath As String
Dim fs As Object

Set WShell = CreateObject("")
DesktopPath = WShell.specialfolders("desktop")
Set MyShortcut = WShell.CreateShortCut(DesktopPath & "\" &
ActiveWorkbook.Name & ".lnk")

With MyShortcut
.targetpath = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
.iconlocation =
WShell.expandenvironmentstrings(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Belug
End With
Set WShell = Nothing
MsgBox " A Shortcut has been placed on your Desktop.", , "Place
End Sub

But my question is now as follow:

Can i refer to an embedded commandbutton picture in a form from the
same program instead of an icon that resides in a folder?
If so, how to doe so?

Thanks in advance.

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