Deselect check box on form closing


Deb Smith

Is it possible to automatically have a selected check box revert to an
unchecked state when the form is closed. If so how would you do this?

Any suggestions would be appreciated

Ed Robichaud

Sure; you could use the form's "on close" event to run something like:
Me!myCheckbox = 0



I assume the checkbox is linked to a field in a table, othewise it wouldn't
matter if it was checked or not when closed.

In the Unload even of the form, execute some code to set that field to
False. I tend to use SQL for this, but I know other's prefer to do it with
Access code directly. The main thing is putting it in the Unload event,
which is executed when the form is closed.

Deb Smith

Thanks for the suggestions. I have used the following and it works.

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE MailList SET Selected = False;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

Once again thank you for taking the time to respond.

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