Design a form



Hi!! I have a question ,hope someone give me some suggestions.
I am going to design two forms for "Time Slot Arrangement". One form is
filled by PM which is a summary of which engineer should go to which company
(our client) during this week. Another one will be sent to each engineer so
that they know the schedule.
I have a few questions:
1. Is Excel suitable for designing these kinds of forms? Or any other
2. It is quite troublesome for the PM if they have to fill in the summary
form, and fill in all separated engineer forms. What is the better way to
design it?

Thank you for any suggestion!!



without knowing more i would say that excel is fine for this job.I can see
that as the PM fills in each engineers form the summary can fill
automatically or visa versa.The flow on effects may be quite convenient,in
that you have also captured some data which can also be used for the
payment/invoicing end of the business.....



Thank you for your quickly response!!! I wonder is Excel good for this job
before (because I am a beginner), but now I decide to use Excel and find more
information about it.

Thank you so much!!


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