Matt Lockamy
I'm pretty new to access and I am trying to design a simple survey form to
analyze the results of evaluations. I have created a questionaire table
(with fields QuestionID, QuestionText, Weight), and evaluations table for the
questionaire header (with fields EvaluationID, Date, and Evaluator), and a
responses table (child) for the body of the questionaire (with fields
ResponseID, EvaluationID, QuestionID, and Expectation Met). I also have
other tables linked which include text for the expectation codes and
evaluator IDs).
I want to design a form which will prepopulate the QuestionID and
QuestionText field, and which all I'll have to do is fill out the survey
header, and then check on each question whether or not the respondant met
I have attempted to create a form for the header and a subform for the text,
but cannot get the sub-form to be prepopulated with the questionID and
QuestionText fields. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
analyze the results of evaluations. I have created a questionaire table
(with fields QuestionID, QuestionText, Weight), and evaluations table for the
questionaire header (with fields EvaluationID, Date, and Evaluator), and a
responses table (child) for the body of the questionaire (with fields
ResponseID, EvaluationID, QuestionID, and Expectation Met). I also have
other tables linked which include text for the expectation codes and
evaluator IDs).
I want to design a form which will prepopulate the QuestionID and
QuestionText field, and which all I'll have to do is fill out the survey
header, and then check on each question whether or not the respondant met
I have attempted to create a form for the header and a subform for the text,
but cannot get the sub-form to be prepopulated with the questionID and
QuestionText fields. Any help would be greatly appreciated.