Design Help, Please




First, please forgive the long explanation as I want to explain in detail
what I have and would like to change. I currently have a database that has
been built upon over time to a accomodate user needs, but isn't working
quite as well as it could.

Currently, I have the following:

table: tWorkLog
fields: JobNumber, Tech, StartTime, StopTime, and WorkCode

Switchboard: combo box cboTech stores each techs name.
subform: fJobList that stores repair jobs assigned to each tech
subform: fPkgList that stores fabricaton jobs for each tech
command button: cmdMiscJobs for any cleaning/maintenance non-job related
When they select their name, all jobs assigned to them are shown.
Depending on the job number selected from which subform or if MiscWork
command button is pressed, a form opens.
In other words, I have three forms running that all relate back to the table

This isn't working as well as originally thought.

What I would like is a form to open when tech selects his name and either
job number or misc work that has his name, job number (blank if misc work),
start and stop time fields and work code.
Subform that contains info for repair work and subform for fab work.
Only one of the subforms would contain data if a job is selected and neither
would contain data if misc work is entered.
Then if tech selects his name and job number to begin a new job, the same
form would open with previous data so he can enter stop time.

1. I have the form opening with the tech name entered, but I don't know how
to write code that would enter the job number based on selection clicked in
list form.
2. Can I do a refresh on the new form so that the subforms read the job
numbered entered and then populate data fields based on the job number? How
and where would I write the code?
3. Can I have code for new form (fTimeForm) perhaps OnOpen If stop time is
null, then open where Tech = CboTech Else Open form with info from
switchboard to start a new job. If so, where and how would the code look?

I know this is a lot to ask, but I have read many posts and can't seem to
find exactly what I'm looking for and I've been helped here so much in the
Any suggestions are most welcome.
Many thanks in advance,

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