Design Mode and Option Button in Word 2003



I am using Word 2003 to create a sample of web questionnaire (for
presentation only - not to fill in any information).

I have added "Option Buttons" in my Word document to represent the choice of
3 questions. I have already put them (total 15 option buttons - 5 buttons
for each question) in a textbox. However, I am only able to set the value
to TRUE for only 1 of them (15 buttons).

1) Whenever I open that Word document, it is in Design mode. As I have to
send the word document to my supervisor, is there any way not to be in
Design mode when it is opened ?
2) Is it possible for me to set one of the 5 option buttons to TRUE for the
3 questions.




If you're adding OptionButton controls from the Control Toolbox, in design

1. Select an option button.
2. In the Control Toolbox, click the Properties button to open the
Properties sheet for the control.
3. Enter a value for the GroupName.

Once you've assigned a set of buttons the same GroupName, they will function
as an exclusive group. Buttons with different GroupNames have no effect on
each other. In other words, you'll be able to have one option button from
each group selected at the same time.


Cindy M.

Hi Peter,
I am using Word 2003 to create a sample of web questionnaire (for
presentation only - not to fill in any information).

I have added "Option Buttons" in my Word document to represent the choice of
3 questions. I have already put them (total 15 option buttons - 5 buttons
for each question) in a textbox. However, I am only able to set the value
to TRUE for only 1 of them (15 buttons).

1) Whenever I open that Word document, it is in Design mode. As I have to
send the word document to my supervisor, is there any way not to be in
Design mode when it is opened ?
2) Is it possible for me to set one of the 5 option buttons to TRUE for the
3 questions.
1) Design Mode: the ActiveX controls from the Controls Toolbox activate macro
stuff in the document. If your macro security is set to High, you'll see the
behavior you describe. You need to either digitally sign the document or
reduce macro security.

Or start over and use something from the Insert/Symbols dialog box, since this
is just a "graphical representation".

2) These controls are what Office uses on Forms. If you switch to the VBEditor
(Alt+F11), select the document project, view the ThisDocument object, then the
controls you've inserted should appear in the dropdown list in the Properties
window. Each option button should have a "Group name" property. All buttons
with the same group name will be mutually exclusive. Just change the group

Or use the workaround with symbols, out-lined above.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Dear Cindy and Bear,

Many thanks for your advice. It gets me much more understanding of Option

In order to avoid the Design Mode during start-up, I have chosen to use
"Insert Symbols" to present option buttons.

Thanks again

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