I want to move a product catalog to a db and just wanted to see what people
think of this design and how I can improve it
Here are my major questions
1)Does this design look ok?
2)How do I handle new catalog each year ??? new database ???
3)If I use relationships - how does that help me
4)One major feature I need to provide is to print out the catalog in
hierarchy structure - how would I do that???
1- TV
1001 TV
10001 Sony 42' plasma
10002 Sony 44' plasma
2001 DVD
20001 Panasonic dvd player
20002 Sony portable dvd player
2- Audio
3001 MP3
30001 Ipod 2 gig nano
30002 Ipod 4 gig nano
Category Table
category desc
1 TV
2 Audio
SubCategory Table
category subcategory desc
1 1001 tv
1 1002 dvd
2 2001 mp3
2 2002 speakers
Product table
subcategory product desc
1001 10001 Sony 42' plasma
1001 10002 Sony 44' plasma
2001 21001 Panasonic dvd player
2001 21001 Sont portable dvd player
I want to move a product catalog to a db and just wanted to see what people
think of this design and how I can improve it
Here are my major questions
1)Does this design look ok?
2)How do I handle new catalog each year ??? new database ???
3)If I use relationships - how does that help me
4)One major feature I need to provide is to print out the catalog in
hierarchy structure - how would I do that???
1- TV
1001 TV
10001 Sony 42' plasma
10002 Sony 44' plasma
2001 DVD
20001 Panasonic dvd player
20002 Sony portable dvd player
2- Audio
3001 MP3
30001 Ipod 2 gig nano
30002 Ipod 4 gig nano
Category Table
category desc
1 TV
2 Audio
SubCategory Table
category subcategory desc
1 1001 tv
1 1002 dvd
2 2001 mp3
2 2002 speakers
Product table
subcategory product desc
1001 10001 Sony 42' plasma
1001 10002 Sony 44' plasma
2001 21001 Panasonic dvd player
2001 21001 Sont portable dvd player