I am attempting to write/develop a new database from scratch and I want to
get it right from the begining. Thanks for any help in advance.
The database will record entries into a warehouse enviorment of stock and
the process off our main inventory system. Each delivery will have a record
in tblDelivery with a unique DeliveryID and related information to that
delivery. When it is first entered it will have a status of "new" set
against it and the date/time needs to be recorded. Seperate stock items are
not part of this database only the delivery as a whole.
This is where I have run into my problem. I had originally intended to have
a seperate tblStatus where I would keep this information. Each time the
delivery moved to a different status, it would then have a new record added
into tblStatus.
I am not sure this is the best set up however because part of the reporting
I will need to do is how long something was "in process" and the current
stage of any or all deliveries. In general I am only interested in broad
information such as on Monday we had 160 deliveries and each delivery took an
average of 2hrs to complete. However I will need the ability to drill down to
a by delivery analysis of something is flagged up as inconsistant.
The current set up of the database is
DeliveryID (PK)
Delivery feilds (general information)
StatusID(FK - codes used from a lookup table)
DateChanged (date field)
TimeChanged(time field)
tblLocation - this will need to be set up in the same was as the status
table to do much the same thing only handle the locations the shipment has
been moved to. Not actually set this one up until I resolve the current issue.
There is a one to many relationship between tblDelivery and tblStatus.
Will this table stucture allow for the kind of reporting I need? and If so,
could you give an example of the "high" level reporting such as how long on
average the deliveries for a day have taken to go from status new to status
complete considering there could be up to 5 different statuses inbetween?
Hopefully this is enough information, and thank you for any help in advance.
get it right from the begining. Thanks for any help in advance.
The database will record entries into a warehouse enviorment of stock and
the process off our main inventory system. Each delivery will have a record
in tblDelivery with a unique DeliveryID and related information to that
delivery. When it is first entered it will have a status of "new" set
against it and the date/time needs to be recorded. Seperate stock items are
not part of this database only the delivery as a whole.
This is where I have run into my problem. I had originally intended to have
a seperate tblStatus where I would keep this information. Each time the
delivery moved to a different status, it would then have a new record added
into tblStatus.
I am not sure this is the best set up however because part of the reporting
I will need to do is how long something was "in process" and the current
stage of any or all deliveries. In general I am only interested in broad
information such as on Monday we had 160 deliveries and each delivery took an
average of 2hrs to complete. However I will need the ability to drill down to
a by delivery analysis of something is flagged up as inconsistant.
The current set up of the database is
DeliveryID (PK)
Delivery feilds (general information)
StatusID(FK - codes used from a lookup table)
DateChanged (date field)
TimeChanged(time field)
tblLocation - this will need to be set up in the same was as the status
table to do much the same thing only handle the locations the shipment has
been moved to. Not actually set this one up until I resolve the current issue.
There is a one to many relationship between tblDelivery and tblStatus.
Will this table stucture allow for the kind of reporting I need? and If so,
could you give an example of the "high" level reporting such as how long on
average the deliveries for a day have taken to go from status new to status
complete considering there could be up to 5 different statuses inbetween?
Hopefully this is enough information, and thank you for any help in advance.