Design table window closes after a split second


Space Breaks

I'm currently working on my first Access Project using Access 2000.
(I've done a fair amount with Access before, but not Access Projects).

I seem to have connected to the SQL Server database fine (it's on a
remote web site). However, when I try to use "Design" or "New" to
create a Table, the Table window opens up (empty) for a split second
then immediately closes. I don't get any error message.

If I try to use "Design" or "New" to create a View, the windows stays
open. However, there are no Tables to create the View on...

If I open up another database on the same server (using the same
username and password) I can open those Tables, but still can't
"Design" them.

Any idea what's wrong?



Space Breaks

Space said:
Thank you. I'll forward that to the hosting company and see what they say.

Thanks again,


I can read the SysObjects table, and someone else looking at it
through SQL Server Enterprise Manager says that the Public database
role does have SELECT permission on the SysObjects system table in the

So it looks like this might not be the problem, after all...

Any other ideas?



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