Design View does not show full page



I have a page which has one table, containing text, graphics, some
javascript and a bunch of links to other pages.

When opened with FP03 the page only shows the top text line plus image and
nothing else in design view. While I do not expect to see the javascript
effect in design view, I would have expected to see the other graphics and
links. But nothing else shows.

However, in preview, the full page displays normally. Also, when published,
the page shows up fully.

Could someone hazard a guess why the design view only displays a partial

Thomas A. Rowe

What else is on the page and how is it getting on the page, via ASP, PHP, etc.?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


No, the page does not contain anything other than what was mentioned in my
original message. Certainly no fancy stuff such as PHP or ASP.

The javascript was entered using Insert | Web Component | Advance Controls |

However, as indicated earlier, I am puzzled by the design view not showing
the other contents of the page (images and hyperlinked text)

Any ideas?

Thomas A. Rowe

Can your provide a URL to this page on the Internet?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Andrew Murray

The O.P. has already said the page shows up correctly when published - the
problem is it doesn't show up correctly in design view in F.P.


Do you have folders on the left? Toggle pane.

ClueLess said:
No, the page does not contain anything other than what was mentioned in my
original message. Certainly no fancy stuff such as PHP or ASP.

The javascript was entered using Insert | Web Component | Advance Controls

However, as indicated earlier, I am puzzled by the design view not showing
the other contents of the page (images and hyperlinked text)

Any ideas?

Stefan B Rusynko

Just because it renders in browser doesn't mean the html is correct
By seeing it online we may be able to see what is causing the design view issue

| The O.P. has already said the page shows up correctly when published - the
| problem is it doesn't show up correctly in design view in F.P.
| | > Show us the page! URL??
| > | > >I have a page which has one table, containing text, graphics, some
| > > javascript and a bunch of links to other pages.
| > >
| > > When opened with FP03 the page only shows the top text line plus image and
| > > nothing else in design view. While I do not expect to see the javascript
| > > effect in design view, I would have expected to see the other graphics and
| > > links. But nothing else shows.
| > >
| > > However, in preview, the full page displays normally. Also, when
| > > published,
| > > the page shows up fully.
| > >
| > > Could someone hazard a guess why the design view only displays a partial
| > > page?
| > >
| > >
| >
| >

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