Desktop Alert/Notification Not Appearing


Faraz A. Qureshi

Have noticed that when I apply a rule to move an email from specific sender
to a specific folder the email notification alert doesn't appear?

Any idea???

Faraz A. Qureshi

Dear Roady!

By the way the 50 days' technique too would be would be working for only
messages in INBOX only, wouldn't it? I mean I can't have the default semi
transparent blue notification for all emails transferred to other folders as
well, would I?

By the way, can't a script or addin be used to make a rule be applied only
after a few seconds a mail has arrived and remained in the inbox?

Thanx again, pal!
Best Regards,


Roady [MVP]

The 50 days technique would work for any message as long as you also create
a rule to show a New Mail Desktop Alert and set that one at the top.

There are some scripting methods to achieve that but you'd be abandoning the
Rules and Alerts way of managing the moving of messages then. I don't think
you seriously want to go that way just for an envelope icon ;-)

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