Desktop alerts for Generic Mail Boxes


Padmanabhan K


Does anybody know how to create desktop alerts for Generic Mail Boxes (GMB)
in Outlook 2003? We as a team access GMB and when a new mail comes, we are
not able to notice the new mail as we do not receive any desktop alert like
default inboxes.

I have been trying to find a solution for this for several months, but all
in vain.

Can somebody please help me?

Chennai - India

F. H. Muffman

Padmanabhan K said:
Does anybody know how to create desktop alerts for Generic Mail Boxes
in Outlook 2003? We as a team access GMB and when a new mail comes, we are
not able to notice the new mail as we do not receive any desktop alert
default inboxes.

I have been trying to find a solution for this for several months, but all
in vain.

Well, two solutions.. well, three.

1) log into the general mailbox and set up a rule to autoforward messages
to a dl that all the users are on so they know a new message showed up.
2) train everyone so that they know to check the shared mailbox on a
regularly scheduled basis. Make it part of their job. If they can't
remember to do it, then maybe they shouldn't be doing the job. Sorry if
this comes across as rude, but, this is actually my preferred solution.
3) Develop an application that checks for messages in that mailbox and
alerts the folks.

Padmanabhan K

Thanks a lot FHM.

Option 1 - I have set the rule. But I am not able to create a desktop alert
(i dont think for generic mail boxes, no desktop alerts are popped up). By
the way, what is a 'dl'.
Even when I forward the messages to the people by way of rules, it does not
show any popup.
Any other possibility?

Option 2 - Out of control.

Option 3 - Would be helpful if someone can develop an application and
forward it to me.

Thanks once again.


F. H. Muffman

Padmanabhan K said:
Option 1 - I have set the rule. But I am not able to create a desktop
(i dont think for generic mail boxes, no desktop alerts are popped up). By
the way, what is a 'dl'.
Even when I forward the messages to the people by way of rules, it does
show any popup.
Any other possibility?

Distribution List.

No, the desktop alert wouldn't work, that's a client side rule and would
only affect clients logging into the mailbox, not opening it, you would have
to forward it. As for why it doesn't show a popup, I don't have a clue. Do
they regularly see popups when they get new email? If you log into the
mailbox and send them a message, do you see a popup?
Option 2 - Out of control.

But you obviously have some control over the situation since you're posting
here looking for a solution. Either go to the people who designed the
policy and say 'This isn't working because the people aren't working' or
live with it. I'll be honest, in my last job, I managed about 10 mailboxes
in addition to my own and I didn't find it all that difficult to, once an
hour, look to see if the mailboxes had new messages.
Option 3 - Would be helpful if someone can develop an application and
forward it to me. Don't know if you'll find
something free, but, you'll have better chance than just asking in a
newsgroup 'would someone write this for me'?

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