Desktop-Laptop: download two trial 2007 copies?



Please advise on the best way to set up my desktop and laptop to use OneNote.

I have uninstalled the beta from both machines and downloaded a trial 2007
to the desktop.

Should I download another copy to the laptop? Each will have a different
password. Any problems here when I am ready for the upgrade to the final

Thanks for any help, I've become OneNote dependent and don't want any
glitches that can be avoided.

Rainald Taesler

fred1st shared these words of wisdom:
Should I download another copy to the laptop?

Why an extra download?
Just copy the install files from the desktop to the laptop and install

Do not create any notebooks on the laptop, however. To enable synching
between the laptop and the desktop you have to use the notebooks on
the desktop opened on the laptop "shared".
Each will have a different password.

This will not cause any problem.
The only thing to keep in mind: for using the notebooks from the
desktop you need a access from the the laptop to the directory with
the notbooks on the desktop.
Any problems here when I am ready for the
upgrade to the final version?

I would not see any.
It could be that you'd have to uninstall the trial and then install
the "full" version. I do not know if just chnging the product key
would be (a) possible and (b) sufficient.
Thanks for any help, I've become OneNote dependent

Me too said:
and don't want any glitches that can be avoided.

No danger AFAICS



Thanks, Rainald, yes I'd thought to copy the 200MB exe file (my thumbdrive is
just large enough.) Then, worst comes to worst, I can do a fresh install of
the paid-for version.

I appreciate the support of this forum, have questions whose answers will
make me a more effective user of this crucial piece of software, so don't be
surprised to see me return to pick the brains of those who make OneNote sit
up and do its tricks!

-- Fred

Rainald Taesler

fred1st shared these words of wisdom:
Thanks, Rainald, yes I'd thought to copy the 200MB exe file (my
thumbdrive is just large enough.)

Why not just copy over the network cable?
I appreciate the support of this forum, have questions whose
answers will make me a more effective user of this crucial piece of
software, so don't be surprised to see me return to pick the brains
of those who make OneNote sit up and do its tricks!

That's what this NewsGroup is run for ;-)
Pls feel free to post your questions any time.

All the best

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