Peter R Hawkes
When I try and complete a Desktop Search from Outlook 2007 Beta I get a
dialog box stating;
Microsoft Office has identified a potential security concern. This location
may be unsafe. File Path: searchquery=harrods
Hyperlinks can be dangerous..............
Do you wish to proceed?
Clicking on Yes brings up IE with a 'Page Cannot be displayed' error.
Any ideas on how to get this working? Outlook searching is working well
after initial indexing.
dialog box stating;
Microsoft Office has identified a potential security concern. This location
may be unsafe. File Path: searchquery=harrods
Hyperlinks can be dangerous..............
Do you wish to proceed?
Clicking on Yes brings up IE with a 'Page Cannot be displayed' error.
Any ideas on how to get this working? Outlook searching is working well
after initial indexing.